What is Google Adsense for Search

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Google Adsense for Search takes a different approach than Adsense for Content but it is simply as important to your earning power with the Google Adsense program.

Exactly like Adsense for Content places targeted ads on the content pages, Adsense for Search places targeted ads about the results page of the search set in motion on your page.

What is Google Adsense for Search
What is Google Adsense for Search [images source:pixabay.com]

You may use the standard Google search box on the site and the user will then search the web or even your site. When you sense more comfortable, you can change the look of the particular Google search box, essentially customizing it simply by changing the colors and utilizing your logo.

The best thing in relation to Google Adsense for Search is that you can track what your visitors are searhing for. That is, if the search has a couple of hits. Unique queries are not tracked. But you can see the top 25 searches performed from a website by clicking about the Advance Report from the particular Reports tab and specifying a date range.

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